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rtl_tcp SDR

Utilidades Educación
Desarrollador HotPaw Productions
19.99 USD

This is a macOS version of the iOS rtl_tcp SDR app.

- Connect, via the rtl_tcp network protocol, to an RTL-SDR USB port peripheral device.

- Listen to AM, FM, SSB and CW radio signals

- View an RF spectrum and waterfall

This app requires either a local or remote rtl_tcp server or similar raw IQ tcp server This app can connect to rtl_tcp for RTL-SDR devices, hfp_tcp for the Airspy HF+ and HF+ Discovery, rsp_tcp for SDRPlay RSP devices, and lmm_tcp for the LimeSDR Mini. Source code and build instructions for many of these servers is available from GitHub. This app can also connect to a Hermes Lite 2 QRP transceiver directly, or through an hl2_tcp server.

Note that no support is provided for building or installing any of these rtl_tcp or other tcp servers required to use this app either on your Mac, or on a Raspberry Pi or other remote server. Please see GitHub for repositories containing source code for various suitable rtl_tcp, hfp_tcp, or equivalent servers.

Please do not download this app unless you are already familiar with Software Defined Radio, have an RTL-SDR or equivalent SDR peripheral, and have already installed and tested rtl_tcp or work-alike on your Mac, Raspberry Pi, or other server. Note that this app requires a very high bandwidth network connection in order to receive streams of real-time RF samples from an rtl_tcp server.